The Dyess Family

Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 months!

4 months already?! I am starting to realize that time really does fly when babies are young! Believe me I am taking it all in. I absolutely have the best job in the world! Who could ask for more than to stay at home and play with your child ALL day?!! I am so blessed and thankful. (love you babe!)

The new year has been pretty relaxed around our house! My mom stayed with us for about 2 weeks. We loved having her around and Rhys adores her! After she left I felt like I had to re-introduce myself to him!

Aunt Mo got Rhys a hat for Christmas! Brett and I refer to it as the "grandpa hat". Before he was born, she was in Europe for the summer. She hooked him up with all kinds of H&M gear and one thing was a sweater that Brett and I refer to guessed it the "grandpa sweater"! I swear she is trying to dress him like a 75 year old man! To make matters worse, he is balding pretty bad! (Seriously, the hat and the sweater are both precious!) When she was visiting last week she had to have a picture with him and his hat!

He sure does love her and she is pretty smitten with him I do believe! Morg, I know you are reading this! Please don't ever leave us! You wouldn't get to see this beautiful face anytime you wanted to!

At 4 months... we are not sitting or rolling over consistently...but boy are we trying! He has rolled over from stomach to back several times but, I think they were all by accident..He will get it when it's time!

He laughs so much. This makes Brett and I cry everytime! Will that ever change?!

We have started teething:( Poor guy just wants you to sit down and rub his gums! Also, bc of the teething his clothes stay soaked because he is a drool machine!

We had to go to the doctor on Saturday bc he has a little head congestion. He weighed it at 18.8 lbs! and 28 in long! Geez Louise!

He got a Baby Einstein play station for Christmas and has just fallen in love with it this week! I sit beside it the whole time he plays. ( I feel bad if I don't give him all of my attention...this will probably bite me in the butt soon!)

He likes playing in the walker if someone pushes him around! Kinda defeats the purpose of a walker huh? He's only 4 months old I have to keep telling myself!
Tummy time has become his favorite position! We stay on our stomach so much during the day. Max like to join us for these times!

That's all I can think of for now! I will leave you with some precious-ness:)


  1. Haaaa that next to last picture is BRETT!

  2. Courtney, I LOVE the next to the last picture its so funny! And I also think his little "granpa hat" is the most precious thing EVER!!! Enjoy that sweet boy :)
